Always looking for new opportunities!

Hi there! I'm Enoch Tseng, an undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. Major in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, with a Minor in Data Science at UC Berkeley. I'm originally from Irvine, CA, so it's been a brand new adventure living in the Bay Area! I'm currently taking CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems, CS 161: Computer Security, and Data 100: Principles and Techniques of Data Science this semester. Additionally, I am an Academic Intern for CS 61C: Great Ideas in Computer Architecture, as well as an officer for the IT and Service committees of Tau Beta Pi (Berkeley's foremost engineering honor society). In my spare time, I attend campus fellowship, play pickleball, and enjoy hiking. I've also been trying my hand at mountaineering, recently climbing Mt. Fuji this summer.

I'm currently exploring topics regarding my concentration within EECS, but right now I have a keen eye on Computer Architecture and Machine Learning research, as well as Software Engineering within industry!

Enoch Tseng

Photo of Enoch Tseng

I am currently recruiting for the Summer 2024 cycle! I am an eager and fast learner, as I spent the past summer interning for a FinTech startup as a Software Engineering Intern. The previous year, I worked with an Edtech start-up as an Engineering intern as well. At these start-ups, I learned a lot about the industry, and was comprehensively onboarded with all the latest technologies used in the modern tech workforce. The experience helped me grow a lot, and I was able to dip my toes in many aspects of software engineering!
Beyond my internship, I have many past projects that demonstrate my skills regarding certain domains, and I've also spent a stint interning at an air pollution laboratory in Taipei, as climate change is one of the biggest issues I'm passionate about. I hope that the work I accomplish will not only push forward great products, but also make an impact whether socially or environmentally.

I'm familiar with:

Coding Languages

Java   |   Javascript   |   Typescript   |   Python   |   C   |   Assembly (RISC-V & x86)


React   |   React Native   |   Svelte   |   Git   |   HTML   |   Django   |   SQL   |   Pandas   |   PostgreSQL   |   GraphQL


Data Structures   |   Algorithms   |   Probability   |   Full Stack Development (Web & Mobile)   |   Data Science   |   Computer Architecture
College Course Units
Different Coding Projects
Awesome 😎


Here are some of my selected projects / experiences
Click on the images to see a quick summary!

<u>Inkah Internship: Mobile App</u> <br> Learned to use React, Javascript, and TypeScript to help build
                    a brand new language-learning mobile app for a SkyDeck startup.
<u>Inkah Internship: Internal Database Tool</u> <br> Learned to use GraphQL, and used Javascript + SQL basics
                    to initialize a internal webtool for scraping YouTube subtitles (in different languages) for video intergration
                    in the mobile app.
<u>Gitlet</u> <br> Used Java to implement a local immitation of the version-control system
<u>Ataxx Game & AI</u> <br> Used Java to recreate the arcade game Ataxx. Also coded an 
                        interactable GUI and a competitive AI using game tree logic.
                        <br> <i> Image Credit: Original Arcade Game Logo, Leland </i>
<u>Enigma Simulator & Decoder</u> <br> Used Java to simulate the encoding of WWII's Engima Machine,
                        and also subsequently coded the decoding algorithm. (If you've seen the Imitation Game, you'll know!).
<u>Snake</u> <br> Learned C and memory techniques to build a version of the classic snake game.



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